
Management styles and happiness

Management styles and happiness

This blog was originally published on my football coaching blog, but I decided to cross-post it as many of its points come from, or apply to, the professional management world as well as the football coaching world.

As I reach the end of my 3rd season as a community coach, I can happily look back at the many dozens of matches and training sessions that we went through as a team. So many positives of course, and the usual hiccups.

But also quite a few thoughts about the styles of management I have come across (including my own!), and what it means to make young football players happy. So see below…

Fundraising for tech leads

Fundraising for tech leads

Startups typically need to raise funds at several stages throughout their growth. A successful round of fundraising can secure the startup’s future while a failed round can have devastating effects. Yet as a CTO or technical lead, it’s easy to assume that fundraising is not part of your role.

I took part in multiple rounds of fundraising as CTO at Brandwatch, and investigated several startups as investment or acquisition opportunities - effectively sitting on both sides of the fundraising table. Here is an brief of what I came to expect of the fundraising process - how it typically works and a few lessons learnt along the way.